The Canadian Shield is more than 2 billion years old. It consists of great volcanic mountains that were leveled by millions of years of erosion. It is the geographic foundation of Canada covering more than half of its surface area.
1. Find a map of this region. Which provinces are in this region? (IF you don't know what your map is telling you, WDO NOT RITE I DONT KNOW! ASK me or a friend!)

1. Find a map of this region. Which provinces are in this region? (IF you don't know what your map is telling you, WDO NOT RITE I DONT KNOW! ASK me or a friend!)
Territoires du Nord-Quest,Minltoba,Ontario,Qubec.
2. Translate erosion. What is erosion? Explain in your own words.The climate of this region varies greatly. There are colder winters in the north.
Erosion:It means sth. was already bad.It is reducing.
3. Why do you think the climate of this region will vary? Explain in 3-5 sentences. Look at the map of this region and think about it.
Coz the southern and the northern have a big diffirent of longitude.The northern is more closer to South Pole so it's very cold.The southern is close to equator so it is hot.And some cities are near by the sea.
4. The vegetation of this region is mostly boreal forest. What is special about a boreal forest? Explainin 3-5 sentences.
They'er good at living in the cold climate.Their's lifes are strong.But they also died by hot climate.
Perhaps this picture was took by the satellite.I can see the Cannadian Shield intuitive.And i can see many cities and mountains,i also can see a little sea surface.
6.There is a lot of mining in this area. The Canadian shield is sometimes called a "mineral storehouse" because it has a lot of valuable minerals like lead, copper, gold, zinc and nickel.
a. Find a picture of lead. Post it.

b. Find a picture of copper. Post it.

c. Find a picture of gold. Post it.

d. Find a picture of zinc. Post it.
回复删除Territoires du Nord-Quest(French) - Northwest Territories (English)
Minltoba - Manitoba
Qubec - Quebec
Try to write more, so I know about your ideas. If I don't know what you are thinking, I can't give you marks! :P
Good job! Thank you for finishing your homework.